Friday, March 22, 2013

One of the things that I have noticed since we started this journey that that we have been a lot more attuned to the aspect of hashkacha pratis and its role in our move. Some might call it coincidence, but there have been too many "coincidences" to just ignore them. Pearl and I came across this contest when we attended the Nefesh B'Nefesh mega event this past Sunday. Some of my friends were a bit bewildered as to why we would need to attend it at this point, thinking that we are pretty much up to speed by now on most of the details about moving to Israel. But there are always more details to be learned and a bit of review never hurt anyone. When I looked into the specific jobs being offered, I was surprised to find that one of them is actually a really good match to my skills and background. Again, you have to wonder what the odds are for 1 of these 8 jobs to be so appropriate when there are so many types of jobs out there. Just another "coincidence" I guess.

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